The weekend of November 8th, we went to Billings. There were 2 reasons for us going - 1. to pick up our new TV armoire. Ed's dad purchased it at a garage sale for $25. I'm refinishing it. It is solid oak and weighs a ton! The refinishing process has been interesting, but I think I know what I am doing now. I hope to work on it more this week. When it's done, I'll post a picutre.
2. To get our family picture taken at Sears. You can view our session here. I'm interested to know which picture you think I chose!
While there, the grandparents did their normal spoiling. This is what happens:
Thank goodness we had our pictures taken when we first got there Friday evening!
Gramma got some new dress-up dresses from one of her friends (Thanks Marilyn!!) We had a little photo shoot trying them all on.
The neighbor girl likes to come over and play when we come to town. She was involved in the photo shoot too. Here are all 3 beautiful girls. (The way Hannah looks in this picture kind of scares me as to what is to come when she gets older! What do you think???)
I clicked 'here' but our dumb computer would not take me to the Sears site! Argh.
I thought all three of those girls looked really beautiful... it IS scary.
Well, I posted earlier. But it is not showing! I liked all of the pictures but I think you picked the black background with all of you looking forward or the Christmas background with the girls hands down. And how fun is dress up at Ed's mom's house? Cool. Have a great Thanksgiving!
Great going for Hannah at school! Great job getting family pics taken. We need to do that again; the last time ours were done Justus was two. TWO. GREAT dress-ups!! (Let me tell you from experience that the whole 'growing up' thing *is* as scary as you're expecting. ... as my breath catches in my chest.) And, I'm just now learning about Kohl's! I'll get back with you on that one. ;)
Well, you may have already chosen, but I vote for the close-up one by the Christmas tree and, the girls by the tree is too cute. Those are the ones I liked. Loved the dress-up. The girls sure did look "grown up". What fun!
I heard a rumor the other day that Missoula is getting a Kohl's. That was just about as exciting as the day I found out I was pregnant. Now let's just hope there is some truth to that rumor!
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