First, some updates on the house. On Saturday, Ed's dad installed the first 2 of 7 wall sconces that we needed. Don't they look nice?We also purchased the first 150 feet of baseboard. It is all stained and polyurethaned and Ed put in the first piece this evening. Oh, so exciting!
Hannah's class has been working on a play. Today was the big production. Hannah had 2 parts. The first character she played is Captain Dermer. Here is the scene. I was on the wrong side of the auditorium, but you can at least hear her. She says, "We are here. Where is your village?" and "I see an Indian along the beach. Maybe he can tell us."
She also played the part of Chief Massasoit. She was too fast on her lines and I didn't get the button pushed in time. She just said, "Thank you for inviting us to the feast." She did a great job. Actually, the whole thing was great!
After the play, they all lined up to tell what they are thankful for. Here is Hannah:
Lastly, since I had the camera with me today at swimming lessons, I took this little video of Halee swimming. Her class swims in the deep end now. She can pretty much swim all on her own. They dive in (while sitting on the edge) and swim around for 30 minutes. Here she is:
Lastly, since I had the camera with me today at swimming lessons, I took this little video of Halee swimming. Her class swims in the deep end now. She can pretty much swim all on her own. They dive in (while sitting on the edge) and swim around for 30 minutes. Here she is:
Happy Thanksgiving to all!
Pretty sconces and baseboards!! I'm excited to maybe see it in real life at some point!!
Kids plays are sssssso sweet!! Thanks for the videos!
How cute! Well, I guess I wouldn't call the baseboards cute, but they sure do look nice. More and more progress all the time.
Your home looks so nice. Every time you post something about it I am impressed with you guy's work.
So fun to see your children in the plays and swimming. Makes me want to get the girls into swimming lessons. Your girls seem to have so much fun!
Happy Thanksgiving!
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