I've been trying to get the girls more involved in household duties. It has been more difficult for me than I thought it would be because of the limited amount of time I seem to have. One of those deals where it is quicker if I do it! I'm really trying hard to take a breather and let them do more things. I'm really good about having them set the table for dinner. They take turns - whoever didn't have school that day is the day they set the table. I need add clearing the table and vacuuming, all duties they have done but I haven't made part of everyday life. Here is Halee vaccuuming the living room. On Saturday I was looking thru my school stuff to find something. I ran across this math board. I was hoping it was addition, but it wasn't. Hannah has been doing some subtraction at school, so it was good practice. She worked on it off and on all weekend.
This past week, Hannah brought the UNO cards down to play. We had played once or twice before, but she lost interest quickly. Now she really enjoys playing! I think we have played every day this week. Tonight was the first night all of us played together. Ed had helped Hannah earlier in the week, but this time all three of us played our own hands. Halee was interested too and it was good practice on learning her numbers. She played with me and I would ask her what number it was as she put it down. We have a long ways to go, but this is a start. She was good about matching the colors, tho!
I totally agree about having S help... patience especially, works against me on that.
The Uno looks really fun and all the things Ed has done on your house look fabulous!
Well, we need to get packing for our little trip. Have a great and exhausting weekend! You'll be such a great camp cook - especially after practicing this weekend. Hee, hee.
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