Spring is having a hard time making it's way here this year! The girls are just itching to go outside and play. In between snow storms, one day last week they were able to ride their bikes. This is what I found them doing. Halee would push them off and then Hannah would pedal. Today it snowed off and on all day. It didn't matter, Halee still wanted to go outside and ride her bike. I know spring will get here soon!
Also today as I was cooking dinner, Halee was reading some books. She started the story with once upon a time. I thought, oh this will be a kodak moment and went to get the camera. As soon as she noticed me, she stopped what she was doing. Isn't that how it always goes? Anyway, I asked her to keep reading her book and this is the video I got. (I'm not sure what she is saying in the beginning, but the her attention moves away from the book to a song she learned at school. A turtle was in the tub and ate the soap and got a tummy ache. The bubble, bubble part is how the song ends. You will see that she moves her hands up to her neck. When they sang the song at school, they were motioning how the bubble rises and got bigger and then popped.)
Tonight is the night the college kids come over for a Bible study. Tonight was a bit different than normal. We've been studying the book of Acts and last week we were in chapter 2. That led into a perfect discussion tonight about trying to start a "campus ministry" here. There was lots of good conversation from the students about how this can and will work. Please keep this in your prayers.
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3 years ago
Cute song. How great that your girls aren't letting the snow and cold stop them from getting outside.
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