Sunday, March 20, 2011

Spring Break

Well, as it turns out, we had a pretty eventful, fun spring break!

It started on Sunday with my mom and grandmother flying in to town. We picked them up at the airport Sunday afternoon. Monday we went to the Bozeman Hot Springs for a swim. Tuesday, the girls wanted manicures.

Wednesday we went to the Museum of the Rockies to check out the frog exhibit. Halee was excited to see the tomato frogs.

Thursday mom took the girls to McDonalds and I took Granny Dot to Santa Fe Reds. We played a long game of Uno. They flew out early Friday morning.

Friday afternoon we decided to head to Billings. We stayed at Ed's parent's house even though they weren't home. Saturday we decided to try out letterboxing. We found our first letterbox in Boothill Cemetary. We had fun going on this treasure hunt and will have to look more into it. I see there are a bunch of them here in Bozeman.

I think the basic gist is that someone hides this letterbox somewhere and then logs the clues onto the website. You follow the clues to find the letterbox. In the letterbox is a journal and a stamp. You are supposed to have your own stamp and journal. You put your stamp in the letterbox journal and the letterbox stamp in your journal.

Then you hide the letterbox for the next person to find.

The main reason we headed to Billings was to go to The Reef indoor water park. It was FUN! 2 big water slides, a wave pool, and water playhouse with smaller slides, and an activity pool. In the activity pool were these lily pads that you climb across.

Now it is Sunday and time to head back to school! (And I can't believe that I have updated this before Spring Break is even over!!!)


Sydni said...

Good job on spring break! You did fun, fun things. The letter boxes sound very interesting.