Thursday, January 14, 2010

Beautiful Lengths

Today was the day for the haircut! We have been growing our hair to donate to cancer patients for wigs. We finally made the 8 inch mark, which is the required length.


Sydni said...

Now that they have the 8" each, how does it work? What's the next step?

What beautiful girls!

The Willenbrecht's said...

Sarah and I are doing the same thing. We are almost there. Your girls ended up with very cute hair cuts too! Way to go girls...I know it takes patience!

JeremyNSunny said...

GOOD FOR YOU GIRLS!! Beautiful new style for an outstanding good reason! Young ladies in the congregation here do this yearly as well. Natasha, on the other hand, should her hair *EVER* actually get to be 8" long ... six.years.later... will most likely keep it I expect...! ;)

J and S said...

That is so awesome! They look adorable too...