Well, fall is here and we in full swing with school. The girls are now going to Emily Dickinson Elementary school. Hannah is in 2nd grade. School started for her on August 26th.
Halee started Kindergarten on September 2nd. You will find her picture below because I can't get it moved to where I want it!

We ended our Yellowstone Bible Camp season on Labor Day. I was not the cook and Ed was not the manager. We did a lot of nothing that weekend and enjoyed camp. We had a great time! We will miss the camp until next year, but sure did enjoy this year.
You ride on a tractor out to whereever it is you want to go. They always give the kids the opportunity to drive. This driver let all 3 drive 2 times! The kids loved it.
We picked raspberries, apples, corn and squash.
This year we decided to have a joint birthday party for the girls at the Ridge. The Ridge is an athletic club with a kids play zone. They chose a swimming party.

We are still working with the YAC (Young Adult Christian) group. They come to our home every Monday for a Bible study. We have been having 12-14 every week along with the Atwoods. The Atwoods are the other couple that we work with in this ministry.
On September 19th, Hannah turned 7. All she wanted was a camera!
Skip forward one month....Last weekend we went to Hamilton to visit some friends. They toured us around the area doing kid friendly things. One of the things we did was feed the ducks. They were a hungry group of ducks!
We also went to this place called Qwivals. We wanted to do the corn maze. Due to the early arrival of winter, the corn all shrunk! We did part of the maze anyway. Afterwards, we found this place for a picture.
The last of the big news is that Ed is employed again! Stahly Engineering has rehired him on a part time basis. He started working just 24 hours a week, but has moved up to about 30 hours. It works out well for us right now. I still go to work at 7, he gets the kids ready and takes them to school, goes to work and then gets off in time to pick them up. I get off at 4. As his hours increase we may have to work something else out, but for now, this works. We are thankful that God has taken care of us.
I think this gets you caught up on what we have been up do. Since school started, we haven't done too much. It has been nice to stay home!
Nice new fall-y blog look!
You've sure done some really fun fall things lately.
The back to/first day of school pictures are great and the combined b-day party at the Ridge was a great idea!
I really like that family picture of you guys at camp and that's great about Ed working for Stahly!
We sure appreciate all your work with the YAC!!
Great blog! ...as you can tell I'm catching up on reading blogs! :)
I have to e-mail you privately 'cause I want a mite more information on one of your pictures. :)
THANKS FOR POSTING!! It had been long enough that I was in withdrawals!! heehee
We work with the YABS (Young Adult Bible Study) group...how funny. I miss you, friend. Thanks for posting all the great pics of the girls.
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