We went to 2 Halloween parties last weekend. The first was a party for the college kids. We had a "spooky supper" where we were given a menu with silly names and you choose your menu. You never know what you are going to get until you get it! Halee got her spaghetti first but didn't get a fork until the 3rd course!
The other was a party at church. We did trunk-or-treat. This is what our trunk looked like.
Here is Hannah and her friends - Aliza, Denali and Annelise. Halee and Mallory.
On Sunday we carved our pumpkin. Hannah really got into it. She practically did the whole thing herself. She cleaned out the inside pretty well. I helped her to do the final scraping, but she did the rest.
She and Halee picked a design and then punched it in with a corn holder. Halee did some of the punching too, but she lost interest quickly.
Then she did the carving. I helped her with the final touches, but mostly she did it herself.
And the final project!
For Halee's birthday, she got a butterfly garden. Probably about 6 weeks ago we received the caterpillars. We have watched them grow into butterflies. They have been butterflies for close to 4 weeks now. The weather hasn't been cooperative to release them yet. Well, today I noticed it was 60 degrees. So, we let them go.
Good luck to those butterflies.
Wow to Hannah! Carving a pumpkin is no easy thing to accomplish.
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