We went camping this past weekend at Pine Creek with Ed's parents. It was a nice, relaxing time. I especially like camping because I don't have to do the cooking! I get all the groceries and decide the menu, but once we are up there, Ed (or in this case his dad) does all the cooking. It was decided that on this trip we would do the breakfast and his parents the dinner. However, his dad is always the first one up (he normally rises between 4:30 and 5:00 am!) and is ready to cook breakfast way before anyone else. So in the future, he will do the breakfast and we will do the dinners! As it ended up, we "donated" very little groceries on this trip because his dad just did it all!
Halee's favorite pass time is swinging. Gramma and Poppa brought a swing. The girls spent a lot of time swinging or pushing in the hammock.
One of the treats Poppa brought were fruit roll-ups. These particuluar ones had "tongue tattoos" on them. Here are some $$$ on Hannah's tongue.
Saturday morning Ed built this fort for the girls to play in. Then his dad joined in. It was a neat place for the girls to play in. They had a cash register, 2 firepits, and a bench inside.
This is what it looked like! Isn't God amazing???
That afternoon after we got back and about dinner time, it started to rain. Ed's dad had already started cooking dinner on the fire. So, he set up this umbrella over the fire so that it wouldn't go out and we could finish dinner. It worked pretty well and we had a good dinner of pork, potatoes, carrots, onions and zucchini all mixed together.
After dinner we had a special dessert. When I was a kid growing up my grandparents had these cooker things that we made pies with. You butter 2 pieces of white bread and put them in the cooker with a spoon full of cherry pie filling inside. Close the cooker and cook in fire. The bread toasts (like a grilled cheese) and you have a cherry pie. My mom had some of these cookers that they never used. After about 30 years, she decided to give them to us! We opened the packages up and read the "cookbook" inside. It was dated 1976! It had lots of good ideas in it. One of them is to use pizza dough and put pizza toppings inside. Another was to make cornbread. Another was to use pie dough and put stew inside. I think it would be good to put cornbread mix and stew in one! This morning, Ed fried an egg in it. It was a "perfect" egg because it was perfectly round and fit perfectly on an english muffin! So, I bet we will get lots of use out of these, now that they are broke in!
As always, we had a great time. So nice to just be in God's creation, away from everything, and just relax in the great outdoors! We didn't hurry to do anything. Now, back to the grind!
We (the girls and I) leave for Texas/New Mexico on Wednesday. So, this will be probably be the last blog until I get back, which will be the 21st. Can you believe summer is almost over? How time just flies when your having fun!
I'm so happy about your break from cooking... what with all the intense cooking you did at camp. Everything looks so relaxing and enjoyable.
Enjoy your trip.
I love looking at your blog...I get so many good ideas. The girls braids are great! I will have to try it with Sarah. Glad you had a good trip. Looking forward to seeing you soon!
You guys make camping sound fun ... even to this camping-hater!! ;) That cooking thing your mom gave you sounds totally cool; things like that always crack me up, how they're a really great thing but no one is using them for all they're worth ... and then one day out of the blue they become really handy! lol
I'm happy for your girls that they will have pleasant camping/extended family memories when they grow up. I know I do!! I wouldn't trade it for the world.
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