First, I'm sure that you want to see a picture of me in the kitchen. So, here you go. This is where the dishwashing occurs! Have to keep up on the dirty dishes so that you can dirty them again!
This is Darci, my assistant. This was her least favorite job of the week - chopping 18 pounds of chicken into bite size pieces. So the next time it was on the list, she found some help!
As stated in an earlier post, everything went well. The week wasn't very stressfull, just lots of work. However, it wasn't exhausting either because we weren't stressed! Don't get me wrong, both of us are having a hard time motivating this week and I did take a 2 hour nap yesterday, it was tiring, but we weren't so exhausted that we couldn't enjoy it. We did! I think there were only 2 meals that weren't ready on time (one was leftover day and we were busy cleaning the oven and didn't get them in on time and the other was roast beef night when we had lots to get carved!). The day started at 5:30 for me and 6:00 for Darci. Most days we ended around 9:00. However, we did take several breaks (after each meal so that the dishes could get done and in the evening we always listened to the lesson). We cooked for 80 people but 35 of those were under 14, so our recipe size was for 75. So, in the end, it was a good week and we are signed up to do it again next year!
For those of you who have never been to camp, this is the serving line.
Halee is carrying her tray to wherever she sits.
Do you want to know what the kids did all day? After breakfast, at 9:30, was Bible class. I can't remember the title of the week, but it had to do with God's wisdom. All the kids met together at the camp fire for the lesson and an experiment. Brian taught the lesson and did the experiement. Then for the 2nd session, they broke the kids up into 3 groups and did some activities to follow the lesson.
Afternoons are free time. We had the girls lay down and rest/nap for a while. When they weren't in class or resting, they were on the playground. Halee loves to swing and that's about all she did. She has pretty much learned how to pump and get herself going now. BUT anytime there was someone willing to give her a push ... she capitalized on it.
This is just a few of the kids that went. From left to right are Caleb and Ali (they are from Indiana), Hannah and Halee, and Riley and Kailen (Darci's kids).
Thursday is free day. We decided to go to Chico and hang out in the hot springs. A nice relaxing soak after all the long days in the kitchen. As we were walking to the car, this fawn came up to Ed and sniffed his hand! He was inches away!
As always, it was a great week! Just a great place to go and be away from the world in the beautiful mountains that God created with God's people!
Congratulations! You did it! And it sounds like it was a breeze (not easy but not stressful). That's great. What kinds of things did you guys cook?
I think I went to that camp about 15 years ago. That is where I met Carrie. If I remember correctly, it was a nice camping facility.
Glad your home safe!
I knew you'd do well, but am still amazed because I never would - sad, but true to say.
The pictures are fabulous!
It really looks like the girls had a great time too with lots of wonderful friends!
Oh, this is GRRRREAT! Thank you sssssso much for the pictures. (sigh) :*( Although it is so good to stay in touch, I often get reminders of so many things I hate missing out on. The move cancelled our summer vacation/camp plans for this year so now we're a year+ out from any time we'll get at camp. HATIN' IT ... selfishly. ;)
However, it is awesome to see lots of others getting a bunch of good out of it, so that's the positive side of things!
I hope your week at home now is restful and pleasant! Thanks again for posting about your week as head cook!!
Way to go Loree! Thanks for posting the pics too. I knew everything would go great. The pool at Chico looked nice too. Gosh, I barely remember going there, although we went twice! Glad you had such a good time.
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