It is Memorial Day. We had a busy week and weekend. So here are the highlights since the last post!
Halee had her final day of school party on Thursday. I didn't stay the whole time, but when I got there all the kids were just running around having fun. One of the kids asked Ms. Sandie to read them a book. Pretty soon all of them were crowded around!
Halee had her final day of school party on Thursday. I didn't stay the whole time, but when I got there all the kids were just running around having fun. One of the kids asked Ms. Sandie to read them a book. Pretty soon all of them were crowded around!
And here is Halee and her teachers - Ms. Sandie and Ms. Katie. Ms. Sandie will be her teacher next year and Ms. Katie isn't sure yet.
Friday was Hannah's last day of school. It was field day, but had been raining since Wednesday, so they just played games indoors. I got there at 11:00 and it was time for hot dogs. We ate lunch in the classroom one last time and then the kids played and the mom's chatted. We left at noon for the summer!
That evening we headed up to Bible Camp for work camp. This camp is for anybody to come to who is willing to work hard to get the camp ready for the season. Mostly the women clean all the cabins floor to ceiling, hang curtains, etc and the men do the other projects around to keep things in working order. One big project was rewiring a cabin to have light switches instead of pull chains, etc. The other big project was cleaning out the "burn fuel." Last year there was a big fire that came within 1/4 mile of the camp. So, that has prompted the clean out. Ed was the hauler of the limbs. He would drive around to where they were cut, then drive to the field to dump them. Eventually they will all be burned (controlled) and make our camp safer and cleaner. I wasn't exactly sure what I would be doing. Since I am to be the Head Cook for Early Family Camp, I knew that I would be hangning out in the kitchen a lot, learning anything that I could to be ready in about a month. I had offered earlier to be her assistant, but never heard that I was until I showed up! So that is what I did. It was good to actually be involved in the meal prep once again and really think and see how it is done. I do feel pretty good about it, but I'm sure the first few days will have a high learning curve! After talking to Vonnie, I'm again looking at the menu and wanting to move a few things around. I had lots of questions and got lots of answers and copied some of the "cheater" things she had - like how many dozen eggs fit into a pan and how long to cook them or how many cans of green beans will feed how many people, etc. It was a good weekend, but always come home exhausted!!!
Also, on Sunday was Ed's "Graduation" for his work he did in his classes for Bear Valley School of Biblical Studies. He has a Bible degree now and plans on attending the Masters program soon. There were 5 people in his class and they are all planning on going to Denver for the "real" graduation. However that is our week to be at camp. So they were going to do a little thing at church Sunday morning, but we were already planning to go to camp. So they decided to just come to camp and do it. It wasn't a big thing. Ken, his teacher, told us about each student and their plans to use this degree. It was nice of them to come up to camp and do that! YEAH, ED!
It's wonderful to hear of your prep for head-cooking. I do NOT envy that job; only certain ones can do it!!!! I had a hard enough time assisting the few times I've done that! lol Thanks for telling Work Camp stories, tho'.... I miss it. (sigh)
Also, I'm very, very happy to hear about & see the Bible graduates!! Wow, what outstanding work they are doing!! Please give Ed my congratulations!
Wow. Very busy, but good of course.
Congratulations to Ed and the rest of the graduating class.
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