Today was a very prodictive day at our house. All the schools had early release at 12:30 (I know, very strange on a Tuesday and they have to go back to school tomorrow all day!). That means that we got home at around 1:30 and stayed home the rest of the day! Neither of the girls took a nap (Halee fell asleep on the bus and slept 20 minutes and was done), so we had lots of fun at home. They did a lot of playing. We also finished up a few projects. This first picture is of all the box tops we found in our pantry. Hannah's school is have a box top drive and they are due on Friday. The class with the most gets a pizza party. I have been gathering them for a couple of weeks and I think I had about 10. We have a total of 48 and the other 38 came from items in our pantry!!!

We also finished up our valentines. Here is Hannah writing a note to her teacher. We made jars of homemade hot chocolate and added a note that says, "you warm my heart."
Here are Halee's tags. I took this picture because of how she is writing her name. The "e's" need a little work, but she has the Hal down. I thought she did pretty good!

In the mail today came some valentine's from their Gramma and Poppa. It included some stickers. They couldn't wait to sit down and make a picture. I was not even in the room while they were working on their picture. Here is Halee's. I was quite surprised that she made these flowers with stems and all and that her picture actually looks like something!

This is Hannah's picture.

The other day in the car, Hannah starts singing this song. It is I Corinthians 13:4-8. I was quite amazed that she just sung the whole thing. So, I asked her to sing it for the camera. I know that if you can put anything to song or rhyme, kids remember it best. Just about evey memory verse she learns at school is to some kind of song. I wish I would remember that when I am teaching Bible class! I also wish I had the creativity to come up with a song for every memory verse! Anyway, you can tell that at school they listen to music to this, but the fact that she knows it is what counts, in my mind!
This got her in the mood to sing and she wanted to sing all the songs she knows. This one she called the cowboy song! She's quite the show girl.
Lastly, we had the college kids over last night. It was basically a going away party for Chris, who has come out of retirement (he took last semester off and was a bum and this semester decided not to finish grad school but find a job) and took a job in Oregon. He is leaving on Thursday. We gave the kids some blank puzzles and they were to write or draw their favorite memories of Chris. After that and dinner, the kids were just being kids. Shane was laying on Connies lap on the couch and Connie says, "Lets see how far I can let my spit out without it hitting you on the head." So, the following is a video of that. Just a warning in case you don't want to watch! It's quite funny! Oh, the things they can come up with!!!!!!!
Hannah's songs are great!! And the Valentine's ideas are too! Our children are the same way about stickers. I find myself hiding them if I have a specific use for them that doesn't involve the kiddos. lol
Our family's most recent scripture verse put to music is Phil. 4:8, one I've previously had a very difficult time memorizing accurately. It's wonderful to know a song to it!!
Wow, it'll be really, really tough for y'alllllllll to say bye to Chris. (sigh) But I can be happy for him about turning over a new leaf and 'moving on', so to speak. I hope it works out well for him.
Good job on collecting so many box tops!
I liked Halee's flower picture a lot and Hannah's songs a lot!!!
The spit video was pretty gross I have to say. Hahhaaha.
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