We had a very busy week. Mondays are always busy because I have scheduled all extra-curicullar activites on that day. I did that on purpose because then I would know everything is on Monday and I don't have to remember which day which thing is on! However, it makes for a very busy day! We start out with our bus driving and Hannah goes to school. At 11:30 Halee has gymnastics. At 12:30, Halee and I go to the bus office to work for 2 hours. Halee takes a nap on the floor while I enter in the payroll. We leave the bus barn at 2:45 to pick up Hannah and then do our bus route. At 5:00 Hannah has ballet. At 7:00 the college kids come over for Bible study. They leave and we crash in bed!
On Tuesday, Hannah and I went to Old Navy. I always go there in January and July because you can get everything at least 70% off. I buy a size bigger and save it for next year. One of the things we got were scarves. They girls have been wanting one. Halee wears hers all the time, around the house, in the snow, wherever! At school on Tuesday, Halee made this lion mask. She is saying Roar when I took this picture!
cuisinart single serve coffee maker
3 years ago
Wow! Your Mondays sound SO BUSY, but good. How totally cute that Halee has been wearing her scarf in the house. Great sales are the best! Lots of snow, eh? My, my.
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