We were able to stay home most of Saturday. Ed did have to make a Home Depot run and Hannah and I ran a few places, but it was another productive weekend at home. Next weekend will not be that way, but it was good to have 2 weekends to get some projects done around the house.
On Thursday, I went to Ladies Bible study and the girls stayed home with Dad. When I left, they were upstairs building blocks. This picture was actually taken on Friday because Hannah was so proud of her house that she didn't want it knocked down. So it stayed up till Friday. She built all of it by herself except the tower part on the left. Her structural engineering dad did that part!
Here are the projects that got done on Saturday. Ed spent most of the time in the garage getting everything finally put away. He also installed his dust collection system (that's the pipes on the wall behind all the saws and such) that he's had for at least 2 years. He had a gift card at some point in time and this is what he bought. I know that he's had it since before we moved out of the blue house. So, I'm glad he is finally getting to use it.

And he did get to use it while he was laying the floor in the office. This is all he got done because he didn't start until 4:00. However, it will be very nice once completed.

A couple of other special things happened on Saturday. As I was eating my lunch, I was looking thru a local magazine for parents. In there is a calendar of things happening around town. I saw that the Equinox theatre was putting on a play for the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. I thought that Hannah would enjoy that. So, an hour later we were out the door. I wasn't sure what to expect, but it was very good. There were only 2 actors that changed into different characters clothes. They only had 2 props - boxes - that they used. The rest was imaginary. They also involved the kids in certain places during the play. It only lasted an hour, which was perfect for kids attention. We will definately have to go again. I think each play lasts for 3-4 weeks and then they put on another. It is every Satruday at 2:00.
We also had a family movie night. Ed and I are not movie buffs and hardly ever watch any. I thought it would be nice to go and get a movie. When I got to the rental store, I didn't even recognize any of the titles. So, I picked out the movie, Evan Almighty. It was a story about how this guy is elected congressman and wants to change the world. He prays to God for help and God has a plan for him to build an ark. The girls watched it also. I doubt they got much of the story line, but it was neat for them to see how big the ark was and how many animals fit in it.
That about sums it all up. Today was potluck day at church and a baby shower for the 3 new baby boys in our congregation. When we got home it was almost 3. Time for naps and back again for evening services. Back to work/school tomorrow!
Wow! More progress on your house! Those floors will be gorgeous, you're right!! The Halloween costumes are really cute on those couple of huggable girls. :)
WOW Loree! I checked out several blog entries and your house looks great. Wish I had that kind of storage space again. The girls are growing up so fast too! Loved the costumes for Halloween. Also loved the San Francisco bridge stuff....showed it to Jeff. Sounds like you had a great time. Thanks for letting me in on the blog address. I'll try to keep up better. Hugs to you :)
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