Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Halee's School Day

Now, I told you that you better watch out when I get my camera out. So, here are some pictures. Last night Ed went to a Bible Study and we stayed home. The girls had a lot of fun just haning out at home.
First the playdough fun that Halee got for her birthday.

Then the makeup.

And here is Halee. This was her second day of school, but we are pretending that this is her first day of school picture!

Halee has the same teachers that Hannah had for the last 2 years. However, this class is much different because there are 11 girls in the class and no boys. Sandie is used to having all the toys strung out and guns and such being made and lots of noise. These girls like to sit at the table and color. They even got babies out to see if they wanted to play babies, but no takers. Sandie says she is not a crafter person and so this class of crafters is going to be challenging.


JeremyNSunny said...

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the pictures!! What cuties you have! So much fun. I'm RRRRRREALLY trying to curb my envy of y'all that got to listen to Casandra Martin. I would have SO enjoyed sitting at her feet. I've gotten SO MUCH GOOD out of her W.O.W. books. Please share more details about Ladies' Retreat!! Can't wait to hear all about it! Thanks for blogging!