**I am having a hard time editing this post. Maybe it has been too long. So, I will give a synopsis of our summer and let the pictures do the talking!
This summer we decided to embark on a new hobby....letterboxing. Little treasure boxes are placed somewhere in nature and you get to go and find them. Clues are given on the internet (letterboxing.org) and away you go. They are all over the world. Here we found a letterbox near Mt. Rushmore.

We began our summer in May by taking a trip to Devil's Tour and Mt. Rushmore. Then beginning the first weekend school got out, we were basically at Bible Camp every other week. Somehow, I ended up cooking for 5 weeks. I don't think I'll do that again! The kids went with me each time, however Ed only stayed the week of Early Family Camp. He is the manager of that camp and also taught 13 small children all week. That is also the week that a huge wind storm blew through camp while we were eating lunch and knocked down 6 trees, one of which scrapped the back our our camper (no damage, just a few small dents). We were home for the 4th of July and enjoyed some fireworks. At the end of July we made a camping trip to Glacier National Park. We enjoyed hiking to several waterfalls and just enjoying the scenary. In August, my parents came for a visit. Dad was able to get some fly fishing in and mom played with the kids. They are put on a birthday party for the girls while they were here. School began August 27th. Hannah is a 4th grader and Halee is a 2nd grader. The girls birthday's have also come around....Hannah is now 9 and Halee is 7. That wraps up our summer! Enjoy the pictures :)