Here we are once again. I know it has been almost a month since the last post. Not too much has happened, but here are the highlights.
The end of May I took a school group (on the bus) on a fieldtrip to the Lewis and Clark Caverns. Halee went with me. It was really neat. Everyone should go sometime! Here is Halee in the cavern.

School for the girls ended on the Friday before Memorial weekend. It was a bitter sweet ending knowing that we won't be attending that school next year. Hannah had a great year and didn't want it to end! Here is her report card. I'm so proud of her!

Okay, this is a bit out of order! Anyway, for mother's day, Hannah's class had a tea for the mom's. They each wrote a note about why they love their mom. This is what Hannah wrote:

Public school finally ended yesterday (Wednesday 6-10). I have an extremely generous boss who is going to let me work full time this summer. So, back to work today - although I only needed to work 4 more hours to get a total of 40!
The weather here has been quite cool. There have even been days of long sleeves. We never leave home without out coat. The girls have been good about playing together. They are spending lots of time outside playing in the sand box.
I know all of you are wondering when we are going to move. Well, we are too! We still have not had any lookers or buyers on the house. We did have an open house a few weeks ago. 5 people came through with positive comments. This week we had a realtor showing for the other realtors in our realtor's office. Again positive comments. Next week it is on the broker tour for all brokers in the area to look. Hopefully someone will know just the right buyer and we can get it sold! Our latest plan is try to move in August. I think I will have an interview at the school in Craig this coming Monday (she is supposed to call me back tomorrow). So for now we are just sitting tight and praying. We could still use all of your prayers also. We know God has a plan and we just have to wait for his timing!