Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Mostly Hannah

In Hannah's class at school, they earn points for good behavior. Once they reached 20 points, they earned a party. The party that they chose was a dress-up party. They dressed up as what ever they wanted to. During the day, they wrote a story about their character. Hannah wanted to dress up as Hannah Montana.

This is the story she wrote: My name is Hannah Mt. You can see me at Wandrlan (Wonderland). My job is to sing. I'm really good at boing krt whe (doing cart wheels). The bravest thing I have done is smlling (smelling) things. My favorite thing to say is Oh man!

Friday was also Hannah's 6th birthday. She got a webkin that she named Briley.

Gramma & Poppa gave her all kinds of little things including a Hannah Montana Barbie. She also got a fingernail kit. Here is Gramma painting her toe nails.

Saturday we went on a hike to Palisade Falls. Ed's mom had never been up there. It was a nice hike.

Here is Hannah playing this new video game that Nana gave her.

Today was early release day at school. All kids got out at 12:30. That made for a perfect day to have a birthday party. 5 friends came over for a Hannah Montana birthday party.

We had a Hannah Montana concert. Each girl got to wear a headset and dance to the Hannah Montana music.

And take a turn at hitting the pinata.

For her birthday, she got a Hannah Montana barbie and surf shop. The girls couldn't wait to give it a try. She also got some Little Pet Shop horses that they played with too.

Saturday, September 13, 2008


We have some exciting news! Hannah has lost her 1st tooth! It has been fairly loose for about 3 weeks. She has been eating all foods on the right side so as not to hurt the tooth. Today she and Halee were wrestling together and Halee accidentally bumped her tooth. Then it was really loose but Ed said it wasn't quite ready. She was trying to eat an orange this afternoon and 2 times bit down wrong, I guess, and caused it to bleed. Finally I just told Ed that he needed to get it out (I don't do good with things like that!). Of course, she was dramatic about it and didn't want anyone to look at it or touch it. Ed finally got her to show it to him and he said all it took was a little grab and it came right out! The other top tooth is loose too.

After 10 years, I finally have crown molding above my kitchen cabinets! You say 10 years? Yes. When we were looking for cabinets for our first house in Colorado, that is one thing that I really wanted but we just couldn't afford. Ed said that was a fairly easy thing to do and he would do it later. We moved out 5 years later and never got the crown molding on. We bought a house here in Montana and again I mentioned that I would really like crown molding above my cabinets. We moved out 3 years later and never got that done either. When I ordered my cabinets for this house, I just ordered the crown molding to go with it. I figured that if we actually had it at our house, some day it would get put on. Well, today was the day! I was so excited. I just had to come into the kitchen and look up at it! I mentioned to Ed that if he put the spacer next to the dishwasher and the drawer pulls on, the kitchen would be complete (except for baseboards, which aren't even in the picture yet). He did put the spacer on. He has really been into getting those kinds of projects marked off his list. YEAH! Someday we might actually be done!

This is exciting news that isn't great news. Last week Hannah had a urinary tract infection. The doctor put her on a sulfa-antibotic. That was Thursday. All last week she complained of her side hurting and just not feeling well. I just attributed it to the UTI and medicine. Thursday after school I noticed her cheeks were red and had bumps on them (that is when she got on the bus, so I didn't have a chance to really look at her). By the time we got to gymnastics, she had little red dots all over her body. Ed came and picked her up and took her home while Halee finished her gymnastics class. In the mean time I called the doctor. It seems to be that she allergic to that drug. The pharmasist said that the reaction can occur on the the first dose or the last dose. It just depends how high the level gets in her body until it doesn't like it. That night she got a big dose of Zyrtec and no more of that nasty drug (and some Ibuprofen for the slight fever). In the morning, Ed came to me (I hadn't seen her yet that day) and asked it is was supposed to get worse. I didn't know, but she was red all over - more like a few white spots on a red body (see picture). I gave her her new antibiotic (Amoxicilin) and some more ibuprofen. She didn't want to ride the bus because she didn't want people to call her names. So she went to work with Ed that morning. I called the doctor again and they said that Benedryl was actually better for this kind of thing. She got a teaspon every 4 hours. This morning her face was pretty clear, but her body is still pretty spotty. However, the spots are more of a brown/tan color. She is not itchy either. So, I think we are on the mend. No more sulfa drugs for her!

This is just her back, but her whole body looked like this.

Today was another day spent at home mostly. I worked on filling up the closet shelves that I now have. I got a lot done, but not complete. Will post again when I'm done!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Ed has been into getting things organized around here. Up until a few weeks ago we didn't have any shelves in our closets. So things were just piled here and there, but mostly in the storage room. He has built shelves in 4 closets now (see further down). On Saturday, he wanted to get the girls stuff organized. He went to Walmart and bought a bunch of bins to put there stuff in. He had them sort thru everything and then he made a label for the bin.

This is now how the craft cabinet looks.

Then he moved the bookshelf that was in our bedroom with his books on it to the playroom. (I'm not sure what he is going to do with those books as they are now all piled on the floor!) Hannah put all these books on the shelf all on her own.

He also moved some shelves out of the garage to the playroom to help get that room more orgainzed. Halee's job was to go thru everything and get the proper stuff in the proper bin. She did fairly well with that task. I still have some work to do in there, but here is a start!

Hannah and Halee have been wanting to change rooms. Hannah has outgrown the princess/purple/pink theme but Halee loves it. I've been putting it off because I don't know what to do in Hannah's "new" bedroom. But since we were reorganizing things, the time seemed right.

We are still shopping for something Hannah likes and I agree with! So her room is a bit bare, but she loves it.

Also, Ed got the closet shelves in my office put in. He mentioned to me tonight that he worked hard to get them in and they are still empty. That is my plan for this Saturday. Reorganize my office. I now can get things put where they will stay. And get everything in here and out of storage room.

A few weeks ago Ed got the shelves in the girls closets. Again, most of the stuff that will go on the shelves is in the storage room. So, I haven't filled them up yet, but I'm sure they will. He also got the shelves in the linen closet in our bathroom in. He hasn't attached them yet so the linens are laying in the middle of the bathroom floor. Oh, it will be so nice to have everything have a home!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Halee's 1st day of Preschool

Wednesday was Halee's first day of 4 year old preschool. She was so excited to get her supplies all in her backpack (except the tissues didn't fit and had to just be in a bag). Then off for a bus ride and to school. She walked right into the room and just went right off to the playdough. She was so excited to be there. I did get her to put her supplies in her cubby, but then she was off right back to the playdough. She had a great day!

I've been thinking all summer that I will have all this "free" time this year with Hannah being at school every day and Halee 3 mornings a week and I would get to all these projects I want to do. Well, so far, I have just been busier! Hannah's teacher has asked me to volunteer in the classroom 3 mornings a week for 30 minutes. Plus I still do payroll at the bus barn. Tuesday I had to do the grocery shopping. Today I was excited to just go home and then I had to take Hannah to the doctor (she has her first urinary tract infection). Plus keeping up the "mom" duties of the house and laundry, etc. Tonight we have gymnastics and back to school night at Hannah's school. I'm really looking forward to the weekend. I don't think we have any plans (except Hannah has a birthday party Saturday afternoon). We can stay home, sleep in and have some R&R. Boy do we need it!

Monday, September 1, 2008

4 Years Old

Before I get into the birthday party, I'll explain my decorations on the bus. Carson-Dellosa is a publisher of teaching supplies - borders, posters, bulletin boards, etc. When I was teaching school I bought the poster (that is on the ceiling) to use in my classroom. This summer I was in a teacher supply store and found a notepad with the same design on it. An idea popped into my head that I could use the notepad as seat markers and right the rules on the poster and wa-la! The seating on my bus is youngest in the front to oldest in the back. So, I wrote grade levels on the notepad and taped it up above the seat. I wrote the rules on the poster and taped it on the ceiling. So, that's that!

Halee had her 4th Birthday yesterday. We had a little party at Bible camp. The theme was Curious George.

There were lots of kids there. We just rounded up whoever was there for a whack at the pinata.

Halee got the first and last whacks.

Then we had some cake. Halee chose this cake which I found on the internet and baked up at camp.

4 candles to blow out. The wind was calm enough at that moment for her to do the blowing.

Then a few presents.

She seems so grown up to me know. I can't believe that she is 4 years old already. I do enjoy her since of humor. She loves to be funny and squish up her face and laugh. She also loves to talk non-stop all the time. She wants to know every night before she goes to sleep where we are going and what we are doing the next day. She likes to tell me good job when I do what she wants me to. I love her!