On Christmas Eve, Peggy and I made homemade pizza for dinner. That got Ed to thinking that their has to be a way to make "parlor style" pizza at home. So, he has set off on the task. He has watched Alton Brown's pizza making episode many times and has read a lot on the internet about yeast and such and is trying to perfect pizza dough at home. So far it hasn't worked out! He's made 4 batches. He went to Home Depot to buy a stone (that broke while in the oven). He's cooked it on the rack. It has all burned! Each time the dough gets better, but not yet "it." It has our whole household in suspense! He even made a thing to put the pizza in the oven with and take it out with. I'll let you know the outcome.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Pizza, Pizza
Posted by Loree at 1:45 PM 2 comments
No More Tonsils!
Today was the big day. Hannah went into surgery about 9:45 this morning. Surgery took about 45 minutes and no more tonsils or adnoids. The doctor said that her tonsils were rotten, especially the right one. At some point in time she had an absess on it and that created a puss pocket that never went away. So that is why she was sick all the time and ran a fever for no real reason. We got home about 1:00, she took a nap from 2:30 to 6:00. She got up, ate some ice cream and is now eating party mix and watching Cars. I'm pushing lots of juice!
Here we are before the surgery. They had given her a relaxant medicine and she was a big groggy but did know what was going on!
Posted by Loree at 1:45 PM 2 comments
Merry Christmas
Well, Christmas is here and gone now at the Wilson's. We have a tradition of opening our gifts on Christmas Eve. Ed let the girls and I open one present before dinner. He did that mainly because he got me a new mixer and we were having pizza and he wanted me to try it out on the dough. Works great! But it was good for the girls to have one present to play with for a while before they were inundated with lots of others. Here is Halee with hers - a remote control race car.
Here are some pictures of them playing with their other gifts. This is Hannah and her ballet mat. It comes with a video to teach you some ballet, this mat and bar.

Halee also got this stuffed Dora to sleep with. She is really into having some kind of baby to sleep with. They always seem to fall out of her bed at night. Maybe this gigantic one won't!

Then Santa comes during the night. Here is Hannah looking at her stocking stuff.
One of the presents they got from Nana were these new outfits. They wanted to wear them today.

Posted by Loree at 1:45 PM 1 comments
Grammy Cracker
Today we went to a Christmas dinner at Ed's Gramma's. She lives in a cottage with 11 other elderly people. The staff of the cottage invited all the families to dinner. They opened gifts and had a prime rib dinner. We all had a fun time.
Here is Gram with one of her presents from Sheridan and Kay. Here are Halee and Hannah having fun together.
Posted by Loree at 1:45 PM 1 comments
Last Sunday we went to the mall to visit Santa. Just wanted to share the photo with you! Hannah asked for a new music player and Halee wants a race car. We'll see what he brings!
Posted by Loree at 1:45 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Busy, busy, busy
We have been busy, busy, busy! I'm ready for a break. Last week was filled with Christmas programs. This week is filled with Christmas parties! Halee's is tomorrow (Thursday) and Hannah's is Friday and there is one at the church building Friday night. Then we are off to Billings on Saturday for Christmas. When we get home on Thursday, hopefully we'll have a week of relaxation at home. Hannah is getting her tonsils and adnoids out on Wednesday (the 26th). She will need to rest and that will mean we get to too!
Just a couple of things for the week. One day I caught Halee singing and playing the piano. It was too cute to pass up.
Also, last week, my mom sent a package in the mail. In it were a few "open me now" presents. They all make noise! Here they are with them.
We pray that all of you have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Posted by Loree at 2:20 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Halee's Christmas Program
I got Halee's videos uploaded. So, here you go! Enjoy (Remember these are 3 year olds!)
The first number is a poem about the 3 Kings.
The second number, Take One.
The second number, take two - Away in a Manger
Posted by Loree at 12:09 PM 0 comments
Hannah's Christmas Program
Underneath my Christmas Tree
What Can I Give Him?
Posted by Loree at 11:17 AM 0 comments
Monday, December 10, 2007
Lots of things
Posted by Loree at 8:22 PM 1 comments
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Getting Ready for Christmas
Posted by Loree at 8:58 PM 2 comments